October 20, 2009

The Largest Wolf Kill To Date

This Wolf was shot recently in Drayton Valley, Alberta..which is near Edmonton about 3 hours North of Calgary. The wolf weighs over 230lbs smashing the previous record of 175lbs. Wouldn't want to run into this puppy in the woods.

Apparently a bear hunter witnessed this wolf chase off a big black bear at his baiting station.


  1. This wolf, I hope will be studied, for it may be a Dire Wolf.

    1. look i have read all of your blogs i think that it was a god like creature it must and will be studies

    2. biggest wolf every it may be a werewolf on all four

  2. I think it was a tragedy to kill such a magnificent animal. The idiot should have got a camcorder and took pictures, for this may have been the only one. DUH

    1. its not the only one,look em up there are plenty,an dont think puttin the bacon in your ole ladies back pac is gona save ya they travel in packs..

    2. Shoot them all . He did a nice job. So shutup.

    3. Take away your gun you sissy, if your going to kill these animals do it with some pride or don't do it at all.

    4. i hope this man gets eaten by something while hes reloading one day,, or maybe not completely eaten,, perhaps just severely wounded and left to bleed out alone in the woods crying like a little bitch.. , a disgusting display of the worst kind of human.

    5. yea this is a great animal that you just killed

    6. Great kill I would stuff it and put in my man cave go green freaks need to shut up eat meat and live

    7. hunt or be hunted live a little

    8. Ever hears of a tranquiliser

    9. Dudes, just shut the fuck up already. god damn, yeah, he shot a wolf. yeah, kepp your fucking opinions to your fucking self for christs' sake!

    10. no you dumb fuck face their is obviously more that size, because they fucked and gave birth to that one, and the cycled continued to form more wolves you stupid fascist bitch. NOW PLZ TAKE THIS TIME TO KINDLY FUCK OFF!!!! and have a nice day :)

    11. You dumb mother fuckers.. do you not see that, thing ?! Take pictures of it !! wtf is wrong with your brains ! If that thing saw you, it would easily and carelessly rip your face off and kill you. If that thing was roaming the woods you hunt and killing your game PLUS not being able to hunt in there in fear of running into it, you would be eating some smoked big ass wolf! Imagine if you ran into that thing, the damn beast chased off a large bear, your saying you wouldn't send a piece of hot lead through that things skull ! Jesus people, it's kill or be killed situation,it's something to admire hanging on your wall.. not something to admire walking around killing people! And even better if it was the last or only of its kind ?! that's a really good thing! I sure as hell don't want that shit living on this planet. Idiots.

    12. Dude I am not that spun out about the killing of a wolf but please get a grip is was not out hunting and killing humans nor was he likely to. Dam magnificient animal and a bit of a shame to end up like that. Just to be clear taking a picture of it would not have meant that much. No one would agree just how big it was from a picture. There is no doubt about it when they are brought down. You measure them and wiegh them. Up until then it is just a fish story.

  3. So quick to kill instead of preserving.

    1. your name is bubba and you're worried about preserving? lol

  4. Thank goodness he's dead. Who wants a wilderness full of wolves his size? I'm sure the elk and deer won't shed any tears.

  5. Wow, what a tough guy, he shot a wolf. Have we not screwed with nature enough. I would rather see that wolf roaming as God had intended rather that that idiot who shot it.

    1. I wonder what you would do if he attacked you (beside's shit your pant's) tough guy?

    2. You all are freakin idiots whats the differeance between the beef or chicken you eat thumbs up for this guy id probably have it stuffed setting in my living room. You all are a bunch of winers and live reality as it is and not in your lttle world i hope you come across one of these and see if it has sympothy for you ha doubt it!!!!!!!

    3. Wtf where is guns coming into play he shot it with a bow you fucking idiots

    4. If god had intended for it to roam he wouldnt of let it get in harms way duh

    5. I don't understand how anyone can kill an animal just for pleasure and never will.

    6. Agree... it's a tragedy that this magnificent animal was killed just for sport or any animal for that matter.. something I will never understand; takes a very special person indeed to do that;

  6. wow i see there are a bunch of tree huggers on here

    1. too many they need to remember where they came from houses are made from trees real people eat meat

  7. Im not a tree hugger but there could have been a lot to learn from this wolf while it was still alive.

    1. Then go out and find one yourself and take a leash with you

  8. You all should own a ranch and try to "just take pictures" jackasses!!

    1. Red neck I'm guessing right, yea the reason that the world is messed up is because of people like you, no sense of respect, anyone can shot a gun and run around like an ego filled ass its nothing special, hunt with a bow and clean kills without wasting an animal, you people sicken society and rot where you stand on this earth.

    2. would like to see you have a ranch full of wolves and be able to have other animals wont happen than when the food is gone and they have a taste for more blood see how close you get with a camera

  9. My wife has been looking for a coat that exact same color!!

  10. > I'm sure the elk and deer won't shed any tears.

    Maybe when they run out of food and are starving? The cirlce of life, i.e. predator-prey eco systems developed over eons and work to keep both populations in check.

    1. Wow what world are you all living in what are all you bunch of fucking indians or something. If you dont like hunting then get off hunting web site pussys

  11. I hope that hunter finds another one just like it... and his gun jams.. then we can see how tough he is haha

    1. I hope you find yourself in the woods surrounded by wolves. Then you'll know why it's a good thing hunters keep down the population of wolves to manageable levels. Well, at least you'll know for a few minutes before your eaten alive. Too bad for the wolves you don't have much brain matter to consume.

    2. Fist off your a moron...obvious but anyway, if one were to find themselves surround by wolves I for one would either fight to escape or accept my death as an honorable one...that is if I'm dumb enough to walk aimlessly into a forest I know nothing about. That or imagine that you walk into a forest and there are no longer any wolves to put balance to the land, and thus resulting in a ruined habitat. Your thoughts are lost my friend you can't even see right from wrong.

    3. go look for one......(just like it).........see how tough you are

    4. more than one way to skin a wolf ha

  12. yeah hold on and let me go get a camera so i can take a pic... oops he's gone. If there is one wolf out there this size I know there are others. By the way if I ever saw bigfoot while I was hunting I would not hesitate to shoot him either.

  13. i think it is a hoax. i am from Alberta and never heard of the story. What man could lift a dead weight of 230 lbs. Maybe a short armed guy with good a good photo editing program, or a small short armed guy with a smaller wolf. The wolf is not the correct colour for timber wolf.

    1. Just cuz u cant pick up that weight doesn't mean were all pussys like u.

    2. You must be borderline stupid.color varies widely with wolves,and any man who is fit could pick that up without too much trouble.

    3. black coloration is a sign of crossbreeding with domestic dogs. the only Canis species with black coloration is Canis familiaris and its crossbreds.

  14. These guys who question there own masculinity have to go kill animals. Sure I understand hunting for survival, but this is for show and that is where the ignorance comes in. To the simple simon who talks about tree huggers. Go finish the second grade and then come back to try form a more intelligent thought. It is people like you who f*** up this world.

    1. this is survival..........meet up with one.......you won't survive

  15. Oh man,, someone run up and spray paint murder on that wolf!! ha ha j/k.. I woulda shot that beast too. then I woulda put it's head on my wall to look at while I warm my feet on my Gian Dog rug! i bet that cat finally stays out of the den!!

  16. to each their own . I love animals, but this one would eat your kids without a second thought. Why take that chance? huh

  17. If here were a real man, he would have killed it with his bare hands. What an Idiot, what a loss.

  18. Overall, no matter how much people whine on this forum, its not going to bring this creature back to life. And for those who say that killing this creature was the wrong thing to do, you are not right or wrong to say that, one of the things that it really comes down to though is, would you rather have this thing dead and have a safer environment for pretty much everything else around, or would you rather have it alive with the eco-system being in balance, but the environment being much more dangerous for other animals and people too?

    so to put it more simply, which is more important to you...

    safety or balance in nature?

  19. i think all the tree huggers should be shot because all of you are a disgrace to everybody.

  20. it is a beautiful animal. that said, there are wolves that big, I live in alaska, and last year, iditarod staff shot 2 wolves that were sticking to race trail, one was measured at 8+ feet and 180 pounds. the wolf in this picture weighed in at 195# not 230. for all you PETA folks on this forum, I would pay to see you pull out a camera and take a picture of this wolf at 20 yards(this wolf was shot from a tree stand as it moved through the trees@ about 20 yards) as it looks you in the eye. wolves dont get that big by being stupid, and if hes that close to you, hes that close on purpose! as for the rest of you taht can appreciate gods creatures in life and on the dinner table or on the wall... personally, I would shoot it on sight and do a full body mount for the entry way.

  21. That is an awesome creature . Maybe it is alittle sad that it was shot but I'm sure at that size it had ample opportunity to pass those genes on . So quit flipping out over it .

  22. From: February 7, 2010 10:16 PM
    "to each their own . I love animals, but this one would eat your kids without a second thought. Why take that chance? huh"
    Yeah, we have a real problem with wolves eating our kids here in Alberta...right up there with Sasquatch kidnapping the women folk.

  23. im the guy that shot it.it was fun,its weight was 228 lbs

  24. the tree hugger sould just go out and hand feed thes wolfs take the wife and kids with you there really nice and love kids.

  25. i'm not a tree hugger or anythin but the man who shot that wolf is f*cking crap hole, and is bloody daft enough to kill a wolf that f*cking big! i wouldn't dare kill that its well friggin cute!

  26. There is no forgiveness in nature. This man went out as a predator and so fell his prey. The new age hippies out there are the ones throwing natures balance out of whack! In Montana all the relocated wolves are decimating the elk and deer population (along with horses, mules, etc). But you okies aren't letting the locals kill them...how bout you relocate them and let the wolves destroy another ecosystem

  27. That's fucking sick. The larger an animal is the more some asshole with a gun wants to put a few bullet holes in it. I would understand if this wolf was killing humans, but just to kill it so you can pretend that you're some kind of badass, disgusting.
    Someone hunting an animal with a gun ISN'T nature!! He didn't kill it for food, or for warmth, he killed it for 'sport' for a trophy. W/e moron said that it that is natural need to go back to school.

    1. go find another one..........without a gun......tough guy

  28. Its stupid for people to be hunting wolves. they are part of nature. Stupid people like that are the ones who are destroying the little beauty that is left in this world

    1. stupid people like you think that wolves this size don't kill human's.......he just saved a life or two

  29. This guy's sites name is SHORT ARMY GUY. What are the chances that the man holding the wolf is 5 feet tall??

    Small man - small - well you get the idea.

    What a gorgeous animal that wolf was - disgusting that it was destroyed for what ? A photo op.

    Karma baby ...Karma is coming to get the shooter.

  30. if you didn't invade their first eco system you wounldn't need to worry about yours being destroyed, just leave the wolves alone go find someother animals to hunt.

    1. are you serious ... save the wolf, shoot something else. did you even think before you wrote that. As an avid hunter , right on man, right on

  31. I'm not saying this isn't a hoax, but as for dead lifting 230lbs, that is not that remarkable. It certainly doesn't prove a hoax.

    I weigh 155lbs and can dead lift a 230 man in much the manner he is holding that wolf in the pic. I work in caregiving, it's a requirement to be able to lift people who may well outweigh you.

    I'm not against hunting, but I see no point in killing what you won't eat (ranchers aside) for sport. This was a waste. He wasn't protecting livestock, he just shot it for bragging rights. That assuming it's even real. :)

  32. Fucking pricks all you hunters and hicks should get off the internet.

    Be safer you say we are killing the wolves massively all you care about is human life these animal were here first and you think we should be intitled to go and slaughter them.

  33. I love wolves i grew up with them i would love to have him hes georgus

  34. Wolves are predators and have great hunting sense. This wolf was hunting it's next prey, a human. The human race is at the top of the food chain by out witting the predators who preyed on them in the past. But some humans where eated along the way, the sissy's. Enough said. Good hunt. Haven't you heard about the two coyote's who killed the hiker in Cape Breton. We belong on this planet too.

  35. Ok. Do your research retards! Wolves don't "Kill you without a second thought". They mostly run away. That was a waste. And to the person who said: Yeah, we have a real problem with wolves eating our kids here in Alberta...right up there with Sasquatch kidnapping the women folk, I FREAKING LOVE YOU!!!!!

    I understand some of you own cattle, and don't want a wolf that size around. There are other ways. Put stuff that smells like crap around the fence, or something.

    And humans are on the top of the food chain. To the person who posted on April 27, when someone messes with you, you mess with them. Wolf kills are NOT common. When someone dies, everyone knows.

  36. For the person who commented on April 14

    Hunters and Hicks are what make it possible for you to eat. Sounds like your nose is to far into your computer to know.

    There's a reason why hunters participate in controlled hunts. If they didn't we would be over run by wild animals. South Eastern Ontario right now has too many coyotes and deer, killing live stock and causing car accidents.

    I live in a small village - last year I had a black bear run into my yard while my 1 and 5 year old children were outside, last thing I expected, thank god I have a big dog and scared it away. Authorities shot it. Good thing.

    Animals are great - but as much as we cause problems to them they also cause problems to us. Sometimes things just have to get dealt with, so try to give some credit to the people who are actually doing something about it.

  37. what a jackass to kill such a wonderful animal. try shooting at me you coward, i can gurarantee you i will shoot back!

    1. You arnt gonna shoot anything. your. obviously against guns... go spend the night in a fucking tent with a steak tied around your neck and enjoy those magnificent animals !

  38. you tree huggers are all fucking dumbasses...you think shooting animals is wrong you should try going face to face with a fucking crazy ass cougar or wolf like this guy did and try not to be scared and wish you had a gun to kill it so you wont die......so you all can go fuck off

  39. Go right ahead, call ppl treehuggers as if that supposed to be insulting. Fuck this killing, it total shit people can do this and get away with it, then fucking all it a sport?!? Fuck off.

  40. This wolf was shot in the U.P. in Michigan. It was roaming around there camp when they were elk hunting and they shot it because they were scared of it. I bet you would have shot it to.

  41. Game groups manipulate wildlife pops. for their own gain and create pop. issues, then claim they are doing the animals a favor by killing them.
    How can you MANAGE WILDlife??? That's why they are wild. Men like this guy are terrorists to them, and some "hunters" are also terrorists to other humans.

  42. People do not understand nature enough to play god. Incidents like this kill off unique genetic/bio diversity among species. Again, call me a treehugger like it's some kind of insult.

    1. Man shall rule the beast! Its in the bible!

  43. Anti-tree huggers are the some of the first ppl to want to kill you for disagreeing with them, very antihuman, the label they often give to the ppl who just want them to stop killing.

  44. I am no tree huger but I do understand the meaning of preservation. Wolves back in the day used to be bigger then that. And to find one that beats the old record by 75lbs is amazing. Someone should outlaw killing them in that area due to rareness of the breed. Plus you never know if the might have killed one the last known dire wolf. Truly sad. I would've understood if they killed it out of safety for their lives but for sport uncool. At least put it under watch to learn about it. What a one of a kind

  45. what kind of wold is this supposed to be?

  46. This is an awesome kill.....for all you people that are against killing how are you living? You go out to the store and pay someone else for meat that they killed for you (hamburger, ribs, steak, bacon, ect.) If you are a vegan you destroy off plant ecosystems that are perfectly healthy and growing to get your nutrients. How are you any different than any other person instead of getting your food yourself you pay someone else to. Humans are top of the food chain for a reason. I don't despise wolves so much just there is no purpose for them as they are not the top predators anymore. They were before humans showed up but not anymore. And I actually am wondering where they got this wolf. I read reports that it was shot in Sun Valley, Idaho by Fish and Game after it had been stocking livestock. Would explain how big it got eatting cattle.

  47. if this animal was on teh ciscover channel i wouldve watched it all the time :P but guess not, since that asshole killed the last one

  48. he is a short guy, most likely 5 ft. 1 in. but the wolf is pretty darn big, perhaps 3 ft. 2 in. at the top of his shoulders and 5 ft. long from nose to tail.

    I'm a proportions expert, to the best of my knowledge this is just a big wolf (maybe a world record) with a small man.

  49. "The idiot should have got a camcorder and took pictures, for this may have been the only one. DUH"

    Only an "idiot" would approach a 230-pound wolf armed with just a camcorder. DUH.

  50. "To the simple simon who talks about tree huggers. Go finish the second grade and then come back to try form a more intelligent thought. It is people like you who f*** up this world."

    And this response looks like it was written by a first grader.

    "If here were a real man, he would have killed it with his bare hands."

    What have you ever killed with _your_ bare hands, pray tell?


    Personally, I think ALL animal rights people should go off into the woods with camcorders (no guns) and approach wolves, bears, mountain lions, etc. and take pictures. I'll even pay them to do so. ;)

  51. What a warm cape for the winter! If only I had speared it.... Odin would be proud. Road trip to Alberta

  52. i really didnt see what was the point in killing it unless it did somthing terrible, personally i think/hope its fake, if people think its okay just go go out with a gun and kill these kinds of endangered animals then let me go buy a gun and start a massacre. everyone makes a big deal outta how wolves kill like 10 people a year. and how many do we kill? exactly. fucking faggot

  53. dude this wolf was probaly a dire wolf , maybe there's more ,this wolf was shot 5 miles from a reservation , every knows that animals that near a reservation ,they get pretty damn big, because the native ppl dunt go out shooting like a bucnh of rednecks ,and the native ppl only shoot to provvide food for themselves ,not to be mounted on a wall the guy who shot this maybe ,just threw everything away,and stuffedthe bastard, and im no tree hugger im just saying that we white ppl are fucking idiots when we come out hunting

  54. Congratulations you ignorant prick. I suppose it would be OK to kill the worlds tallest man then huh? Well Done for killing an unarmed creature who was no doubt minding his own business. Way to be proud.

  55. Shooting an animal is not "playing God". Animals kill each other all the time, it's called survival of the fittest, kill or be killed. I'm sorry, but if this wolf on steriods came near me, I'd kill it in a heartbeat. Why give it that chance to kill you? See, but tree huggers, they're so damn dumb they eliminate themselves with their stupidity, they let the animals eat them. Anyone want to talk about Tim Treadwell, the idiot who thought he had some sort of spiritual connection with the grizzlies in Katmai? Well, they weren't exactly his friends, they ate his asssss and his poor stupid tree hugger girlfriend.

  56. Its to bad but thats the way it goes .Personaly i think baiting any animal for sport sucks. But iam ok with baiting animals for survival . and i must say it takes balls to hunt on ground were you could be the hunter trully or the hunted.

  57. What a shame. Beautiful animal. All this fucking arguing and changing of the story. Either this 'man' was in a tree or at a camping site. Unless in mortal danger I do not understand why it had to be killed. You people are the same ones who agree with whaling and the killing of sharks. As for calling people, who have a deep love for animals, tree huggers..... expand your vocabulary. This man either needs a bigger dick or completely lacks one.

  58. well i am not saying that killing this animal was right for all the people saying it was could be wrong. how do you now what he did with this animal mayby he let scientist study this animal so that we can now why and how this animal was so big. Also it is not like all every hunter goes out and kills every animal he or she sees. I am just unhappy about how a lot of people are uneducated about hunting in most states hunting is better then not hunting for the wildlife because say there was no hunting the animals would soon fill there habitat and would be pushed into city's and populated areas. see hunting keeps populations where they should be.

  59. ok for all the retards on here who have no idea wtf they are talking about the wolve weighed in at 197lbs offically after a 90 day drying period. the inventor of grimms monster mix was baiting a huge black bear and brought this fella in with the bear he shot it preserving the damn bear. so in ending 197lbs, if u dont know what ur talking about shut the fuck up, and if ur so upset about some rednecks like me hunting for sport do something about it, but in most case u all shut the fuck up in the end, oh and the guy that shot it isnt in the picture the man who shot it is 6'3" and weighs 245 lbs, so once again if ur all sad we shoot wolves grow some balls and suck it up its life shit happens, yes overkills are pathetic and not nessary but takin out a guy like him is nothing when they have 3 other reports of wolves bigger than this guy so ya check out grimmsmonstermix.com if u wanna find out more on the story for everyone else get over it u wont win they have a hard enough time with keeping gun registery u think there gonna ban hunting get real, ur bringing a knife to a gun fight

  60. Fucking redneck hillbilly white trash I'm a native american you don't kill for sport I curse this man he will repent....

    1. Fucking redneck hillbilly white trash I'm a native american you don't kill for sport I curse this man he will repent....

      Well Who Died & left U in Charge,? Big Foot I-pocaUwife. How,! Big Dumb Ass,... Animals Kill hundreds & hundreds & hundreds around the planet,From Big Cats to Croc's to Snakes, to Poisonous Critters, to Elephants to Sharks, to Lions Etc Etc Etc Etc, Including wolves who attack livestock, pets, & Humans as it happened to 5 Women in Alaska walking their dogs, three dogs died so the women could get away, while the wolves had dog biscuits...There are packs of wolves as large as 25 and if they are hungry and there isn't food readily available, then you are it... So pocahontas, go pray to your planet gods & do your rain dance so they spare you...I'm not a hunter but I will Kill if neccessary I.E., Squirrels ate a hole in my roof, got in the Attic, chewed wires & almost caught my house on fire & insurance doesn't cover it... So what did I do??? Declared war on the squirrels in my yard... I killed 5 raccoons, 15 squirrels, 1 grounhog, 1 oppossum IN TEN DAYS & I must say-it was fun!! & will Kill ANYhting that walks in my yard that is a threat to my house or family...Raccoons are the biggest carrier of rabies, along with Skunks, Oppossum, Etc. and very destructive, so I sent them to the after world to see your Gods, so say a prayer for them for me, will Ya??
      Wolves are no longer on the endangered species list & are Beautiful animals, & I'm sure where there is One Big Bad Wolf, there are many more,(12,000 in the US),& Little Red Riding Hood & Grandma aren't far away.
      There are 1.2 million Deer hit every year in The US causing many Deaths & Injuries costing $40 billion in Insurance, & I Say - sick the wolves on them or let the hunters have Open Season on them, I hit one on my Motorcycle, So... Go Fuck your self...Pocacuntas

  61. well one could make the argument that its because of man encroaching and taking up more room than is need that we dont see more animals of this magnitude. on the other hand there is nothing wrong with game management. proper management is essential. i hunt i dont waste and there is nothing wrong with it.

  62. Ha i like to read all these comments. I agree with most that it is very wrong to kill such creatures such as this wolf but why even look at these kind of pictures if you oppose them so much? Just sayin'.

  63. So sad. If it had come into town or threatened livestock I could understand, but this is just wrong and so so sad. We've lost so much. There won't be anything left one day except pictures. I'd give anything to see so much that is gone from our world

  64. you if do not live in idaho and do not have to deal with these creatures then shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  65. i live on a small farm in northern idaho. and i have illegally poached 47 wolves near the idaho/ montana border. and i do not plan on stopping. so f*** you, you tree hugging faggots

  66. The animal is already dead and you wont talk sense into the people who think they should be able to shoot anything that moves. I understand that some animals like deer need to be kept in check but this picture is the reason for that. Because humans killed all of the wolves which kept the deer at a level population. Oh and we should all be hugging the trees because they produce the oxygen we require to live. Keep hunting just do it legally and stop with the biggest baddest trophy animal bullshit. You kill off all the big ones and the species will slowly become weak.

  67. you keep the wolves around, and the deer species will become extinct. i hope your hugging the tree as i cut it down with my chainsaw.

  68. The deer will not become extinct, with 200,000 being killed each year in one state............several killed by cars, and killing people sometimes. Shoot the ranchers, they came last and fouled up all of nature. No, man only has fouled up the whole world all by themselves.

  69. you are correct, the wolves would not cause deer to become extinct. but they do severe damage to the deer population. your estimate of 200,000 killed in each state per year is an extreme exaggeration. with most if not all states holding less than one million deer. if man himself killed 200,000 a year, then there would have been no arguable reason to reintroduce the wolves in the first place.

    i do not think that wolves should have been reintroduced. but they are here now and we have to live with them. but i think it is extremely important we find a way to manage them and keep their numbers at a consistant level, rather than letting them get out of control. which is what is happening.

    the activist and hunters need to find a way to work with eachother. neither side is going to fully "get their way," so a fair medium needs to be found.

    i am a hunter and i love to hunt. i love to see big game just as much, if not more, than to hunt them. i spend a lot of time in the mountain and i can honestly say that since they reintroduced the wolves, big game is hard to come across.

    wolves kill for spot and that is a fact. and for that reason, they need to be controlled.

  70. i meant wolves kill for sport, not spot

  71. The midget holding the wolf is 4'6". The wolf is only 60 pounds. It's probably a hybrid woyote. LOL

  72. HAHA typical American thing to do worlds biggest wolf recorded so we'll shoot it dead hickty hick hick. maaaaaarm said itll feed the family for 2 days, hiickty hick yuuupp.

  73. Tree huggers! I am glad this dude shot that beast it would look great hanging above his fire place and for them tree huggers quit hating on this man for shooting the wolf get a life

  74. this makes me sick killing the animal for no reason

  75. "If Timothy had spent those thirteen years killing bears and guiding others to do the same, eventually being killed by one, he would have been remembered in Alaska with great admiration." wtf...
    y feel good killing somthin your not goung to eat...hunters that eat their food well at least their eating them but when they just mount them...wow they are idiots...

  76. The human population of our planet is growing exponentially and wildlife habitat is lost daily. Perhaps one of you "bleeding heart" pacifists is willing to donate a few thousand acres...if not, hunting is a sustainable method to maintain predator populations. I invite you to study the wolf populations vs. the elk populations in the Northwestern States of the U.S. There, you'll find that elk populations are being decimated from wolf predation and there is not even a wolf hunting season in Idaho this year. So, my question for you "tree hugging idiots" is this: who do you support, the decimated elk herds or the wolves who are rapidly out-breeding any hope to control their re-introduced populations? If you take the time to do field research in the woods of North America, where hunters spend their time during various seasons, post some pics. And, do not waste our time lamenting about your sleepless nights in camp listening to wolf packs howling in the night only to witness their destruction of elk herds in the deep snow the next day. I'm sure many ranchers will be happy to express their frustation with wolf mis-management, as well. After all, their herds and their livelihood were there first...

  77. We Americans shoot enormous animals like this because we can. You foreigners can't have these types of hunts because you don't have wildlife populations like we do. You do not have healthy wildlife populations because you have been poor stewards of your land.

  78. I am a hunter--true and pure, but I don't hunt animals other than humans. I am proud to serve the US Marines and I am equally proud to say the reason I went in was to test myself with the world's most dangerous animal which is the human. Fuck shooting something that can't shoot back. from hand to knife, from firearm to det device, my targets(outnumbering us, consistently) could have taken the advantage. Fuck hunters of lesser beings, I gladly welcome an opportunity to target you bitches..tree hugger? yea, Marines like trees.. thats why our uniform and ghillies match them, assholes..

  79. GO MARINES!!! Fuckin a right bro. Unfortunately I cant say I'm a Marine.

  80. 12 comments up says "you keep the wolves around, the deer species will go extinct." Then procedes to say vulgar things about some "tree huggers" that just think a large wolf should not be killed but released in a much more remote location. Or better yet, captured alive and put in a large ZOO where it could live peacefully and be viewed by others. I understand hunting them to help the other animal species, but what about hunters who just want to kill the biggest and most valuable member of the pack. Or perhaps that 6 by 6 buck everyone wants to get. Sounds like humanes are the cause of killing off all the deer species.

  81. I'm the guy that shot it. I'm actually a midget, and it was my neighbor's chow-chow.

  82. I really get tired of a whole bunch of tree hugging hippies who probably live in the city their whole life and not around these animals. It's been scientifically proven that the ecosystem will run fine without wolves. Deer and elk populations can be controlled through hunting. I live in an area that wolves have been recently reintroduced and they deer and elk populations are dwindling and livestock and pets are being killed. So to all you ignorant hippies out there: try living in an area where wolves are before you start freaking out, because you obviously have no idea. Wolves are beautiful animals, and congratulations to the person who took thus beautiful animal.

  83. You tree huggers have inspired me to go out and set a wolf bait and try to shoot a bigger one, thanks again for all your inspiration.

  84. I haven't yet checked but if this animal hasn't been recognized by the DNR in that province than it isn't probably authentic. Which would be a shame. Two hundred and thirty isn't impossible. An animal this size probably exists. It, would be a freak of nature and way north. The further from the equator the larger the animal will be. Bigger and faster the further north you go as the climate is colder and harder to survive so the animals have to be viral enough to take down big game for heavy feeding for the calories it would take to survive. No dire wolf here; dire wolves are short, squat; kind of like the pit bull of the wolf world. People confuse the actual dire wolf that existed with the bizarre creature that has been turning up in places in the US. The animal with crazy, snaggletooth fangs and the mangy appearance. Upon further reflection, this photo has to be photo shopped. It would have made major headlines otherwise and I don't recall hearing anything about this at the time the animal was supposedly shot or at any time afterward. The previous record I don't think is official as well. The animal taken in Alaska. This photo would not have the legs hanging like they are. Both front and rear quarters would be hanging more, wouldn't they? Wouldn't the weight of the head cause it to droop much more instead of just tilting to the side and looking into the camera. This has got to be fake. Besides, a wolf this large wouldn't have gotten to it's current position in the food chain by allowing itself to be an easy shot at a bating station. Unless it was starving. This animal looks well fed. That wolf would have skirted the station gone around in a wide arc and would have taken that Canuck knucklehead before he could have even uttered the phrase, 'Holy cow 'der 'eh, what's dis?

  85. The ecosystem will be fine without us as well.

    Perhaps when our lives are threatened we are pushed to kill, when we are starving we certainly can and should kill to survive. I've killed things and eaten them, and I've killed things to give to others to eat.

    Nothing really surprises me anymore. If someone spotted a sasquatch tomorrow I'm sure it would be shot within days.

  86. Maybe we can put some of these testosterone laden sport hunters in a pit and put some of those wolves to work... Let's see how tough they are then. Probably soil their little pampers without their rifle.

    It doesn't take much skill or bravery to kill something from a distance. +1 to the wolf for being the one with the biggest balls!

  87. I read almost all the posts on here. What's done is done. Whether he should have or shouldn't have is in the past. I live n norhtern california and there are a lot of enviromentalists here. I know how difficult they can make things for those that truely love the sport of hunting n those that respect the sport. And I know hunters that do it just for something to do cuz they're bored. But yet what's done is done. It was a beautiful animal and hopefully he did something with it to preserve its remains.
    By the way I'm a 34 year old mother of three who hunts n loves the sport.preservation is a choice not a right we choose to preserve what there is. So to all the people on here talking about hunters ranchers and farmers and not wanting them to kill wolves or bears or mountain lions or deer to protect they're way of life remember your words the next time you eat your buger or steak or or nicely prepared salad.

  88. >"I hope that hunter finds another one just like it... and his gun jams.. then we can see how tough he is haha"

    REPLY: i hope that same thing!!! fuck that hunter first of all you should only hunt the animals you need to eat... second its so amazing to find a animal of such rareity we should be appreatiating the fact of there existance!

  89. To all you "environmentalists": Will caring about the environment really matter after the freakin' Iranians or the mentally challenged Jahadists light us up ? Nope. You better get a grip on what is really going on because all the things you're trying to save aren't important to them. I want Utopia too, but it's not gonna happen.

  90. first off anyone here who thinks this guy is a dick for killing that thing while he is out hunting is a pussy and dosnt "get"hunting. second if you dont like to hunt then dont, but dont be an uneducated piece of shit and say that those who hunt should be this and that and the other thing and wish bad upon them for taking full advantage of being able to hunt. you know seeing as how there are LAWS that say when you can hunt, what you can hunt so on and so forth trophy hunting is LEGAL and so is plain ol' hunting for meat. and to the guy who posted before me... you are a moron america is not being light up and it wont be again it hasnt been attacked in years and it wont be attacked again for many many more in fact i think before 2001 the last attack on US mainland was in the 2nd world war back in the 40s so please fuck off with your nonsense

  91. The largest wolf on record is a 175-pound animal killed on 70 Mile River in east central Alaska by a government hunter on July 12, 1939. If records have not changed yet one would have to assume that this picture is a hoax.

  92. I hope that guy gets shot strung up and gutted for doing that to that wolf! what a low life piece of useless shit!! all the wolf was trying to do was hunt and that fuck head bitch boy came along and shot it! i wish that wolf would have seen him and ripped him apart!

  93. So what..keep shooting wolves, bears, boars until there's nothing left..great forward thinking. Haven't we come along way since caveman times. Preservation is the way forward. Fast forward to the next one hundred years they'll be nothing out there for generations to experience and enjoy. Short termism is ignorance!

  94. what the hell is with people! what do you need to study about wolves they are just like humans they hunt prey like us and eat it. Sometimes though predators kill other predators, just the circle of life. That wolf would stalk and kill a person just the same as this guy hunted and killed him. Survival of the fittest and since humans are superior we win, it doesn't matter if we need a gun to do it we still win. Plus there is an open season on them so its legal. Is this worse than killing iraqis for oil? Killing our own kind thats worse in my opinion. More people should learn the basics of life because one day when there's a food shortage you people who don't like the "caveman" ways are gonna be screwed and i'll have no pity for you TREEHUGGERS. O well can't change the world, Long live sustainable living, good dope, good beer and the ability to sustain yourselves without needing welfare, the government, and the media. and for people who are gonna say go vegan i say you are nuts! why would i do that i'm an omnivore not a deer! Its not natural and without pills hard to get all the essentials your body needs so it is not sustainable in my opinion unless u own a chem lab. Now i'm gonna eat this juicy deer roast that costed me a buck and some hard work.

  95. o and anyone who can't deadlift 230 lbs would be the first to be killed by wolf

  96. wow you all are a bunch of fucking tree huggers, who gives a fuck if he shot the fucking thing, something just as big as that wolf had to of made it. you all need to get a fucking life.

  97. Eh. . . . ya know what? Shizz happens. It's dead. If anyone really wants to do something about it, why not talk to your local authorities about whether wolves should be shot or hunted for sport?

    Fuckety fuck fuck? XDDDDDD

  98. They may be close to extinction because of us, we have no right to kill them, besides, they will usually go after Coyotes, which are extremely over populated, Farmers have no reason to worry about them, they are a great help, for every coyote dead, 5 more are born, these are extremely precious creatures, and help our ecosystem, besides, god did not intend on us killing other carnivours , He created Herbivors for us to eat, because there meat is clean, he intended on us using what we kill for food, It sickens me to see people do these things for fun, a lot of the people who do this are some Sick Bastards, You people are crazy.

  99. Why did he have to kill such a magnificent animal? I guess he feels like a real "big" man now.

  100. You people who dont live or work where the wolves are over populated dont know shit. You can't let your kids go fishing or out in the back field without a fucking 44 automag. What happens when all the small game and large game are gone, well i think someones kid will be next then its open wolf season..... fuck them wolves, don't need them.

  101. okay so everyone is talking about SAFE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT! well what about people killing people!? ever thought about that? How ignorant is it that this creature has to die because it's not safe for the environment for it to run around in its natural habitat? To be honest i hope your kids do get eaten by a canniblistic human in the backwoods fucking jerks. Theres way much more things to worry about. Dumbasses should think about your kids running the streets and getting snatched by the man in the white minivan that wait by schools, or online predators that stalk kids on facebook or twitter. I hate the human race YOU DISGUST ME, We have guns and thats what make us powerful, whose to say that we didn't have any knives, guns, or anything to protect ourselves with an then what? Oh and watch out for the pedophile thats right next door peeking through your kids window. fuck humans i choose animals over you guys any day....

  102. i hope all you hunters go extinct before people who don't even hunt. you guys deserve it...hunting is a choice and it's wrong. whats the joy out of killing an animal like seriously can someone tell me that? and i want a direct answer. People in general are apathetic, we choose to eat meat we don't need due to what? thats why america is one of the dumbest continent. our kids don't even know basic math, some of us make poor choice in anything we do, America is still in debt, we have a recession, BUT HEEEEEEEEEEEY! LETS ALL KILL AN ANIMAL BECAUSE IT GIVE US SOMETHING TO DO! i guess im going to go kill me an american person (or foreign) because it give me something to do lol an im going to enjoy every last bit of it! maybe hang the corpse on my wall and kick my feet up with a warm fire going an some red wine. boy does that sound good to do....

  103. wow, so large yet so beautiful. Why do humans consistently kill everything?. Do we not realize yet that we are the biggest threat?. We are the killers?. Why kill something free and so beautiful... humans deserve to be shoot down, not this animal. We need to learn.

  104. why would u kill that poor wolf knock it out but don't kill it!!! :(

  105. Look at the deer population in many of the midwestern states now that we have pushed predators like Wolves and large cats out, oh wait they are over populated. Then farmers and growers complain when the deer start to destroy crops. I have no problem with hunting, but like most things, keep it within reason.

  106. Wow so many peaple arguing over a wolf that should be dead or alive.My honest opinion they should be alive,because humans pose more of a threat to these creatures,than they to us.

  107. i hate humans -_-

  108. Jesus thats just about the size of ma cock, and people stop being lovey dovey about a damn wolf, they kill people everyday shut your mouth u dirty cock juggling thunder cunts!

  109. Hunters should think about the long term effects of killing off the biggest and the best of all species of animals for mere pleasure or for that matter food. I for one an avid hunter would like the stock of prey to be improved upon year after year generation after generation. I say kill the weak wolfs and weak elk and let the best tough it out. Then we as men should take our rightful role among the animals and tame them like we did with dogs, i hear even the dog wisperer did a show on this guy who tamed bears for a living but couldnt tame his wifes dogs, we need to tame a polar bear people, that is the most many thing a person can do, is tame a polar bear, or a gigantic 230 lb wolf and have it walk along side you and protect your home!

  110. they are called wild animals for a reason dude that's the reason why some animals that people try to tame are put down because they attacked that person. Me as a person don't believe in taming anything like seriously who would do that, just so you can get attack an the animal has to pay for it because someone wants to tame them, thats stupid as fuck! leave a polar bear in it's natural habitat, leave a lion in it's natural habitat, what the fuck we need to take them away from their homes just so they can protect ours or do stupid tricks for people amusement? we're all meant to die at some point an if an animal is near your neighborhood so fucking what it's not bothering anybody until someone or something fuck with it! just like when we don't want to be bothered same as them smfh there's no such thing as killing weaker wolves because how would you know which is weak an which is not, i supoose you can tell a wolf is strong because it'll attack you? how dumb is that, leave them alone!........and to the anon that commented on this post at 1:55 AM May 31st how about you STFU how many people have died of a wolf attack and how many people had died because of mankind? think about that you dumb ass stupid fucking bitch, sometimes i hope people like you get shot right in their cock or vagina stupid fuck! some people are so stupid an ignorant an im not known for cursing but humans are getting stupid an stupid by the day....Leave the animal kingdom alone they didn't do anything to us so why bother them?....*exhales*

  111. This is not right killing such a beautiful creature in its natural habitat animals lived on this earth a long long time before we humans even lived, we humans seem to think we can kill what we like and when we like.I hope in the future that species of wolf finds itself on our planet can live a peaceful life.I am saying this because wolfs are my FAVOURITE animal.

  112. wow what a beutifull animal he should have let it live

  113. wanna keep it as a pet and feed live humans

  114. yea, how about you be the first to go ^_^

  115. Poor poor wolf. The hunter should've left the poor thing alone. If they really wanted to see the wolf's size and weight, they should tranquilize it and then let it go after. And it wasn't even bothering any people.
    That pic is real alright. I've seen three other pics of the same wolf being held up. Wolves are up to 220 pounds, but I've never heard of a wolf weighing this much. It's huge. People call wolves killers, but guess who's the real killer.

    I love wolves.

  116. dear tree huggers,
    it's a system of checks and balances. humans are at the top of the food chain. hunting is good sport and it keeps the wildlife populations in check. besides that, hunters are preserving these animals' natural habitats, whereas you idiots would tear it all down to put up luxury homes. the money we spend on licenses go directly to wildlife conservation. what have you all down to preserve our natural resources?

  117. Dear, This guy above this comment

    balances you say? Hunting is a good sport you say? keeping the population in check you say? well what about the human race? i don't suppose you go hunting for people as we are already over populated. I want you to look at your life and ask yourself who am i to play god? Im going to kill an animal just because there's too many of them? is so stupid an a sorry excuse and besides "tree huggers" do more for the world than you are dumbass or else they wouldn't be called "tree huggers" smh anywho we (as in the world) take away their homes, i don't suppose you put up a fight for when people tore down the forest just to build a building now did you? so many animals are coming to the city because they have no where else to live. So like i said who are you,as a matter of fact we,to play god?

  118. That's just sad! That wolf could've been a leader of a pack. How would you like it if I came and shot you for no reason? I don't think you would like that! That's just really sad. That wolf was beatiful...and you just took it's life away for what? For coming into the damn town or city? Well reality check mister, we are taking thier homes away for freaking bars and pointless buildings. It's not their fault. It's ours. And how do people even live with themselves knowing they just killed a helpless animal that was only trying to survive? That's just a person with no heart. Not one ounce of it.

  119. To the jackass who said, "Thank goodness he's dead. Who wants a wilderness full of wolves his size? I'm sure the elk and deer won't shed any tears." Exactly...who wants a wilderness full of humans with guns? Humans like this are parasitic.

  120. a helpless animal? are you kidding me? the thing weighs around 200 lbs. He ate better than half the people posting on here. Just trying to survive you say? This beast was feasting, not "just trying to survive"...and to the person who said "i don't suppose you go hunting for people as we are already over populated.". . if there was a hunting season for people you would find me in the nearest ghetto taking out the drug dealers and crackheads that poison our communities and take up room in our world so that we are forced to build more structures and tear down more woodlands. kill a wolf this size and you save a few deer. kill a gang-banger and you save a few innocent bystanders that get struck by a stray bullet. . . but in the end, there will always be another to take his place. in both cases.

  121. OK, OK There are way too many people who don't know the facts about wolves. Let me sum it up for all of you real quick like, then you should go go to a link simular to this to really get the true details... http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/public/wildlife/wolves/?getPage=161
    1. there used to be too many wolves for farmers and settlers.
    2. the government helped aid in getting ride of them.
    3. Some types of wolves were now going extinct.
    4. So they brought wolves back and put them on the endangered list.
    5. They were protected and the numbers came back
    6. Too many people in DC had no clue and kept protecting them
    7. Currently many Elk herds are on the risk of being completely destroyed.
    8. Many people don't understand that wolves kill for fun and kill many baby elk and pregnant elk without even eating any of the animal.
    9. Farmers and ranchers are now fighting of wolves and we are back in the same situation that we started with.
    10. Conclusion... No animal should be hunted to extinction. All animals have a right to live and the human race should monitor and help make sure there are animals not only in Zoos, but in the wild as well. Elk have a right to live just as much as any wolf, but if a hunter kills an elk he will have healthier meat/food on his table for a year. If a wolf kills an elk, it will pull out the unborn calf and use it for a toy until he catches another one. So hunters need to kill more wolfs so they can in turn have more elk to hunt as well! There are way too many wolves now and the numbers need to be brought down, but not eliminated. Also remember that the wolf shot in the picture was just a wolf, just because it was big does not mean it was different from any other wolf... its blood did not have the cure for cancer, it just killed more game that it probably didnt eat!

  122. everyone is contradicting themseleves so just stfu
    1. Yes our human race is over populated
    2.yes wolves are dangerous
    3. How the hell would you know what wolves do for fun?
    4. If we killed a pregnant elk then we would be no different from the wolfs who "toys with the infant cattle" or whatever.
    5. I suppose you fuck faces don't look at what you write before you read it.
    6. It's safe to say that the human race is killing ourselves.
    7. Wolf's are badass so leave them the fuck alone
    8. Animals don't kill people as much as people kill people.
    9. Now im just writing just to write XD

    10...........CANINES RULE!

  123. Unfortunately, the real animals are the ones with guns, killing for fun (or sport as they call it !). There's nothing sporty, clever or brave in killing animals when they don't stand a chance and don't even know they are in the telescopic sights of an animal.

  124. I would like for all of you liberal assholes to live in wyoming and own a ranch with cattle , when these magnificent creatures are eating your cattle that we butcher for you to feed your children and not want to kill the beasts. you should come down here and witness them for yourselves, guaranteed your minds will be changed. way to go guy, thats an amazing trophy keep them coming. to all you tree huggers get a life...

  125. Opinions are like assholes we all have one but keep it to your self because no one cares if a fuckin yuppie likes or dislikes hunting when your house probley sites on there wintering grounds and then complain that animals are in your backyard.

  126. I say kill them all.and to the dumbasses who say save them.they wouldnt be saying that if there kids were atacked.so keep killing them and stuff them lol.

  127. It's so crazy how closed minded some of you fucks are! Hunting helps preserve the eco system that's why the government has installed certain programs like game and fish... Yes we need to preserve wildlife but hunting help manage populations... Why don't you close your dumb ass mouths and open your eyes and do some research... Some of you people are clueless

  128. Not a bad job of photoshopping. b as to killing wolves: Sad that people think it's a good idea. Born and raised on a far, hunted since I was kid and I've never hugged a tree I I usually cut and split them) or killed anything I didnt eat. Neither do wolves. By the way, they tend to kill the cattle that are sick...the ones we didnt notice shouldn't be breeding or around the rest of the herd. Try having a wolf killed animal autopsied. it's interesting.

  129. A friend of mine just sent me an article about another a similar sized wolf that was recently shot. The picture was impressive. I don't hunt myself because I like animals and I would feel bad shooting one. If it came to my survival though wether in my own defense or needing to eat, that would be a totally different story. Some animals are predators and they will hunt you and eat you. If you go to the woods, you better be armed even if you don't intend to hunt. Grizzlies will stalk you down and eat you and very large wolves like the one shown will do the same (they are not timid of people at all). Wolves that size are not real common but they're not unheard of either. Hunting animals is something man has done for thousands of years. There are proper hunting seasons and there are limits that are set that are appropriate for any hunting area. Some people don't realize that these seasons and limits are based on studies of animal populations and are an important part of wildlife management.

  130. Alright all you arrogant, brainless gun-savvy idiots, I live in Montana in the "sticks" just like a bunch of you. I, however, do not see the need like many of you to just murder every living thing I see that isn't human. Don't even give me this "the big bad wolves are going to kill my offspring" crap. They really pose no threat to us. You trigger happy fools need to realize that every unique animal species has its place in the biosphere. When an animal species is gone its gone; that distinct individual, different from anything else in the world, is gone. For the people who are trying to be smart and say "Do your research, killing animals keeps the population in check," - please shut up. You need to do your research. In the mid 1800's there were more than 9 billion passenger pigeons(I'm sorry for you stupid hicks that can't count past 10, you might not know how many that is...). Flocks of these birds would be up to a mile wide and 3 miles long. Then the stupid humans started shooting them for fun and for food; slaughtering them by the millions. By about 1880 they were considered biologically extinct; their breeding patterns were upset to the point they couldn't adapt to the dramatic decrease in population, consequently leading them to extinction. That is just one example - if you need more just go to google and look up extinct animals.
    If you are one of those people who just kill for pure enjoyment, you really need to take a step back and look at how your actions could effect the future. Honestly, I really don't have a problem with ordinary, law abiding game hunters. However, if you are just a redneck with a gun, shooting everything that moves across your path, you better take a serious look at the impact you are making on the ecosystems.

  131. What everyone who isn't a naturalist or animal behavioralist or hell, even watches Discovery or Animal Planet, fails to understand here is that wolves have a 30 percent success rate when they hunt. THIRTY. That is a dismal rate. There is no way they can wipe out any other species with that rate. They go hungry more than they eat. Educate yourself before you start spouting off at the mouth.

  132. i believe that it is real because just like people wwolves can grow to be very large. can you send me some more facts about this please?

  133. You people have watched balto to many times. pull your head out of your ass and take a good look at reality. Nice wolf dude.

  134. Gray wolves are listed as an endangered species for a reason, idiots. They were removed from the list, but were then put back on because a bunch of rednecks with guns started killing them off. If any of you are killing gray wolves where it's illegal, (i.e. the lower 48 states), I seriously hope you get fined and jailed.

  135. I agree with a previous statement...if you don't live in Idaho...don't voice your opinion. You aren't having to deal with these animals killing the wildlife and livestock. They aren't eating them...they are killing them. It's a game for them. So, again if you don't live here, don't voice your comment. I would like to see what you think when they have been placed in your back yard!! Good for this guy! He did the right thing.

    1. I don't think that is what the guy two above meant... "Gray wolves are listed as an endangered species for a reason." This means they are protected, and are so for a reason. So, in that case, shooting them is a crime.

    2. IT IS NOT A CRIME IF THEY ARE BEING A NUSANCE! Yes they are on the endangered species list, but if they are killing livestock they can be killed with approval from authorities. They also allow you to do this with whitetail deer. That is a whole different discussion.

    3. Yeah but you hicks just consider the wolves a "nuisance"(learn how to spell by the way) by them just being alive.

  136. looks the they may of exagerated on dire wolfs being extinct hehehe

  137. I am sorry but this is not real, it has been proven to be shopped but also it doesnt make since. Zorba the biggest dog ever weighed around 340 lbs through his later hears and looked about the size of the wolf, second 275 lbs is a lot and I am not saying this guy couldn't lift that but it seems a little weird

  138. For all you people who think this is wrong, maybe you should leave the shelter of your city and experience what it is like outside of your pathetic bubble that you are in and say, "hello real world." P.S. **** OFF!!

  139. First off that is a great looking wolf and if you had not had killed it I would not have believed that a wolf could get that big. Second all of you that have a problem with him killing the wolf, I have to ask you how much land have you reserved for wild life? The people who buy hunting and fishing license buy more land for wild life than any other group. Every time they buy a license a part of it goes to the upkeep or buying new land that is open to all. And that includes you. So instead of bashing the guy that shot the wolf you should be thanking him, because of him buying license is more than likely the only reason that the wolf was born in the first place.

  140. all u hillbillies should shut the fuck up none of you would be saying nothing about it if the wolf was hunting you good job on killing the wolf

  141. ya great job killing that big beast fuck all them tree huggers

  142. its a good thing he killed it, there are too many

  143. the grey movie was awesome

  144. Great job! You fired a gun! I understand population control, but you know these inbred hicks go home and rub one off to the kill. Speaking as if they are performing some sort of dutiful act that they don't wish to partake in. Just small dicked pricks whose daddies never loved. Join the military if you love your gun so much, you'll probably get off on killing humans as well.

    1. Thank you. You hit the nail on the head here.

  145. I will pretend to be one of you trigger happy rednecks. "Ah! A wolf! Shoot it! It is being a nuisance! It is going to eat all my livestock and my children as well!" That is pretty much the summary of the hick's point of view on this subject...

  146. Great kill. Proud of you hunter, What a wolf

  147. suck a dick treehugger

  148. fuck that kill them all

  149. What a bunch of fucking morons commenting here. Have any of these dumb shits ever lived in a place any more wild than the suburbs? Try living on a ranch or a farm with wolves, bears and other predators feeding near your family and your livestock. Stupid fucks. And this is coming from someone who has lived in cities and suburbs his whole life. But I'm not so narrow-minded to judge people who live in completely different circumstances than I do. Arrogant pricks.

  150. All these tree huggers have motivated me to go coyote hunting..No wolves here in central Kentucky or I would bust a cap in a wolf ass!! LOL

  151. I've looked at comments in all kinds of newspaper articles and various occurances throughout the USA And Canada. Most of the comments and responses could have been written by the same group of people, they are so similar.
    I guess people people are the same all over.

  152. What a jerk! look at you shooting probably the only one. ever. With a gun might I add!!!!! Liam Neeson used broken bottles and his fists you D-Bag.
    --Joey R.

  153. Killing fucking idiots!

  154. To Poca-cuntas who said,
    "Fucking redneck hillbilly white trash I'm a native american you don't kill for sport I curse this man he will repent...."

    Well Who Died & left U in Charge,? Big Foot I-pocaUwife. How,! Big Dumb Ass,... Animals Kill hundreds & hundreds & hundreds around the planet,From Big Cats to Croc's to Snakes, to Poisonous Critters, to Elephants to Sharks, to Lions Etc Etc Etc Etc, Including wolves who attack livestock, pets, & Humans as it happened to 5 Women in Alaska walking their dogs, three dogs died so the women could get away, while the wolves had dog biscuits...There are packs of wolves as large as 25 and if they are hungry and there isn't food readily available, then you are it... So pocahontas, go pray to your planet gods & do your rain dance so they spare you...I'm not a hunter but I will Kill if neccessary I.E., Squirrels ate a hole in my roof, got in the Attic, chewed wires & almost caught my house on fire & insurance doesn't cover it... So what did I do??? Declared war on the squirrels in my yard... I killed 5 raccoons, 15 squirrels, 1 grounhog, 1 oppossum IN TEN DAYS & I must say-it was fun!! & will Kill ANYhting that walks in my yard that is a threat to my house or family...Raccoons are the biggest carrier of rabies, along with Skunks, Oppossum, Etc. and very destructive, so I sent them to the after world to see your Gods, so say a prayer for them for me, will Ya??
    Wolves are no longer on the endangered species list & are Beautiful animals, & I'm sure where there is One Big Bad Wolf, there are many more,(12,000 in the US),& Little Red Riding Hood & Grandma aren't far away.
    There are 1.2 million Deer hit every year in The US causing many Deaths & Injuries costing $40 billion in Insurance, & I Say - sick the wolves on them or let the hunters have Open Season on them, I hit one on my Motorcycle, So... Go Fuck your self...Poca-cuntas

  155. Ha, ya animals are over populated and causing problems, I think you meant to say humans. We are the real disease, and for the I'd it's talking about being surrounded by wolves and being eaten, go look up the number of attacks and then talk, idiots! Sports hunters are small dick, small mind people and that's just the bottom line.
