Thanksgiving 2011
Shortarmguy's Diary Update for November 27, 2011
Twas the night before Thanksgiving and we weren't sure what to do. So we went to the Mall of America and Waterpark of America, but it twas not that thrilling.
On Thanksgiving, we were invited by my bosses, Dr. Bollig and his lovely wife Cynthia, to join them and their family for a most succulent feast. And a few cocktails to boot!
Cynthia's Dad, Ron, cooked up a massive bird for us all to enjoy. This picture doesn't do it justice, because that was a huge turkey!
After Ron brought in the bird, the men instantly rushed to line-up and start loading their plate with all the awesome food that was available to us.
While the husbands were distracted by the food, Ron went back to bask in the glory from all the women who were eager to pay their respects to the "Turkey Man"!
After our meal, Dr. Bollig said he wanted to take us out for some "Rhino Rides". I had no clue what terror I was about to experience!
Here's the video of my crying like a little girl begging him to stop:
Lucky for us, we all survived the rides. I did take one tree branch in the gut pretty good, but no blood was drawn. The turkey in my belly may have been stirred up a bit, but that was probably a good thing.
Later that evening, David took us outside to show us his telescope. He said we were looking at Jupiter and 4 of it's moons, but it honestly just liked a few white dots to me. I'm thinking he may have just poured some salt on the lens and told us we were looking at Jupiter.
All in all, we had a great holiday and a lot of fun with the Bollig's family and friends. It showed us that we truly do have a lot to be thankful for in 2011!
At the end of the evening, a nice man named George came up to me and said he occasionally visits my website and likes it, but he was a bit disappointed that I never have photos of me with Miss Sheri. So he took this photo for me. I'm sure thankful I have such a good wife also!
We thought it would be fun to get an early jump on Black Friday and went to Walmart for their 10PM opening. Then we walked in and saw this. So we left without buying anything. We liked it better when Black Friday actually happened on Friday.
On Black Friday, our old friends the Zitzewitzes came over for Dinner. But they didn't wear Black. So we didn't either.