Avery's 2011 Basketball Tournament
Shortarmguy's Diary for February 27, 2011
Our week started miserably with more than 22 inches of snow falling on our house within a 24 hour period. Poor Miss Sheri had to really work hard to keep that driveway cleaned throughout the weekend!
Krazy Kory and Young Master Ben came to town this weekend to celebrate Ben's entrance into the Kingdom of Man. Otherwise known as his 17th birthday. I told Ben to be sure not to wear this shirt for his yearbook photo otherwise he may end up like this poor kid seen here.
Not knowing where to take a young stud for such an important occasion, we finally decided on going to a high school basketball game in Prior Lake. I figured it would be a good place for him to pick up high school girls. Sadly, his success rate wasn't the greatest. I think his chances would have been much better if he didn't have to compete with his father so much for their attention.
Pretty much by the second quarter we couldn't get anyone to even sit anywhere near us.
Lucky for us, we ran into an old friend of mine, John Bornholdt. He's pretty much a local hero throughout Prior Lake and was at the game that night to collect an award for being a really great guy. I thought he may be able to help get people to like us. Sadly, even with our moments spent with John, it didn't help our popularity. So we decided to go home.
Keeping true to his name, Krazy Kory didn't want to go home and go to bed, though. Instead he pulled out some toys that might be legal in certain states, but not necessarily in Minnesota. I took this picture and then informed the boys that they didn't get to hold them while they went off despite Kory's attempt to light them. Sure they called me a bad guy, but I think we have enough missing fingers in our household already.
Sunny was not a fan of the fireworks and started suffering a massive anxiety attack shortly after the activities began. So I took the scaredy dog home.
On Saturday, we spent the whole day watching Avery play in his 6th grade basketball tournament. His team had a good year and ended up in fourth place.
Avery was lucky to be part of such a great team this year. We just love Coach John and Tom!! We wish they would guide our boys through much more of life's journey and are strongly considering dropping them both off in baby baskets on their porches in the middle of the night. We just haven't found baby baskets that are big enough yet.
Our team center, Jake, told me that he was the tallest kid in 6th grade. Since Luke has told me before that he is one of the smallest kids in his grade, I thought this would make for a great photo opportunity! I don't think Luke was as fond of the idea as I was.