November 13, 2011

The Minnesota Vikings Stadium Push to the Lakeville Chamber of Commerce

The Minnesota Vikings Stadium Push 
to the Lakeville Chamber of Commerce

Shortarmguy's Diary Update for November 13, 2011

On Tuesday, Dr. Bollig and I went to a Lakeville Chamber of Commerce Meeting to hear the Minnesota Vikings pitch the community on why the state should contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to help them buy a new stadium.  This is Lester Bagley and he's the Vikings  VP of Public Affairs/Stadium Development.  He made a pretty good argument for why it makes sense for the state to do this.  Personally, I love the Vikings.  So I hope they do whatever it takes to make sure they stay in town because it would really suck to lose NFL football in Minnesota!  What else are we going to do in the winter?

The team didn't miss a trick and put on a great show and served us AWESOME food!  There was a stadium theme to the menu, although it tasted better than any food I've ever eaten at the Metrodome.  Chili dogs, pulled pork sandwiches, rootbeer floats and more!  I was ready to write them a check for a hundred million dollars myself before the time I even cleared my plate!

They invited the "Voice of the Vikings" radio announcer Paul Allen to come to the stage and interview a couple Vikings players.  It was great to get some behind the scenes talk to hear how the Vikings are preparing to play the undefeated Green Bay Packers on Monday Night Football this week.  They said they're going to "Kick their Ass" which I thought was pretty cool.  I can't wait to watch it happen on Monday night!  

This is Michael Jenkins and he's one of the top wide receivers for the team.  My co-worker, Nick, has him on his Fantasy Football team and isn't very happy with how he's been performing on his roster.  Nick told me before I went to the event that morning to tell Mr. Jenkins that he was going to drop him from his team.  But after meeting Michael and finding him to be a very pleasant person, I just didn't have the heart to tell him.  I'm sure it would have just crushed his spirit.

This is Brian Robison.  He's the new starting Defensive End for the Vikings in 2011 replacing Ray Edwards.  I told him he's been one of my favorite players to watch this year.  Brian made all the highlight reels a few weeks ago, but probably not for the reason he wanted to make them.  I'm sure once you watch this video, you'll remember him:

This is Paul Allen and he's one of my personal heros.  He's the voice of the Vikings, has his own radio show, is a genius on all things sports, gets to travel to the best sporting events in the country to report on the games, and is one of the best broadcasters in the business.  I hope to be just like him one day when I grow up!

Back on the home front, our family spent much of the week preparing for the upcoming Middle School Robotics Competition in December.  We spent a lot of time doing trouble shooting this week and learning how to program our robot so it can run by itself in "Autonomous Mode".  I still haven't figured out when we get to arm the thing with it's weapons, but I'm hoping that part comes soon. 

We also spent a lot of time "Road Testing" the robot to ensure that it's not going to get hung up in competition when it has to navigate the ramps on the course.  We're trying to teach the boys how to plan for contingencies that don't involve yelling, fighting, or crying.  And that's just from the parents...

Our other excitement of the week was Luke's Holter Monitor.  He has to wear the thing for 24 hours to measure his heart activities.  He does this twice a year before his 6 month cardiologist appointments.  Now my understanding is that the thing just sticks to his chest via various electrodes and it only measures the speed and pace of his heart beat.  Luke insists it has much more sinister intentions.  He tries to tell me that it's delivering massive shocks to his system on a regular basis, but I don't believe him.  I'm sure he's just teasing me.  Although how he creates that smell of burning flesh and those snaps and crackle sounds of electricity, I'll never know!

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