So I'm sure you've seen the crazy email that showed the grocery store receipt found in the parking lot of Angeli's County Market in Menominee, MI. The one where some mysterious person had used food stamps to buy super expensive treats such as lobster and porterhouse steak along with some Mountain Dew to wash it all down. The email usually accompanied some witty line about how it's real nice that us hard working people were scraping by with macaroni and cheese while the scoundrels living off the government were eating like kings.
Here's a copy of the receipt in case you haven't seen it:
Several people emailed it to over the past month or so. I chose not to post it for a couple of reasons. One, I thought it was fake. Two, it made me kind of sad that somebody would do this.
Well, it turns out it was a real receipt and the guy who bought the stuff was turning around and selling it a 50% discount to raise cash for God Knows What. He's been busted and charged with welfare fraud.
Here's a video with the story from the local news there:
I'm sure this guy thought there was no way in hell he could ever get in trouble doing something like this.
Karma can really be a bitch, I guess.
My fiencee who works at a grocery store, say's 90% of people on food stamps either buy nothing but expensive steaks / expensive items or buy nothing but junk food / unhealthy stuff. makes her mad! and they are all dressed super nice and drive off in brand new looking cars. the people who buy basic food needs are dressed down/normal and look like they really need the food stamps and drive off in older cars. They need to investigate food stamp usage a lot more. its out of control. and disproportionate for minorities. I went with a girl to pick up her food stamps once. she got $30 a month and ate mac&cheese for her primary diet. she would barley make it month to month and sometimes didn't. but the lady next to her got almost $900, there is no way she had 30 people living in her house and guess the kind of car she had? a Cadillac that was a current model, looked brand new. government could save a bunch if they followed up on these people.
ReplyDeleteIt is great when someone checks on the truth behind emails. You showed that the email was true, but he did get in trouble. However, he would not have gotten in trouble if his receipt had not been posted on someone's Facebook page and his subsequent actions had not been illegal. The outlandish purchases allowed with food stamps remains a problem.