Luke's Hernia Surgery
Shortarmguy's Diary Update for October 17, 2010
On Monday night, Krazy Kory drove up to Minnesota to join us watching the Minnesota Vikings take on the New York Jets on Monday Night Football. He promised that if we let him watch the game with us, the Vikings would win. Last time we listen to Krazy Kory!
To make it up to us, we made Kory dress up like a deputy sherriff and go to Brett Favre's house to arrest him for "illegal texting". We haven't seen him since he left to do this so we hope he's OK.
On Tuesday night, we went to check out a demonstration by the Prior Lake Robotics Club. Prior Lake has the largest robotics club in the state of Minnesota and they continue to place high in worldwide competitions. The boys really want to join the club with hopes of building a robot that they can use to destroy one another. We're still considering it.
On Thursday night we were pleasantly surprised when our old buddy and Nor-Tech's Seagate representative, John Bornholdt, came over for a visit. We played a couple games of pool and had some pleasant conversations about business. The next day, Seagate's stock rose by more than 20%.
Coincidence? I don't think so!
On Friday, we had to grit our teeth and assist Luke as he endured his 12th surgery in life when he had to get two hernias repaired. Shortly after this photo was taken he took some medicine called Versed which turned him into a very, very silly boy. Like Luke needs any help in that category!
Luke normally has a great fear of the operating room, but on this particular occasion he actually was smiling right before they put him to sleep. I'm sure it was the medicine he had taken, but it was nice for mom and dad to see him happy before we left. We still worried non-stop until he was done, but this helped a little.
We were able to go home the same day as the surgery, but laid low all weekend waiting for Luke to recover. He was in quite a bit of pain waiting for his scars to heal, but we're confident he'll be back to his wild and crazy self in a couple of weeks or so.
Avery and I spent a lot of time in the backyard playing catch with the football while Luke hung out on the porch taking our picture. We're looking forward to him being able to join us again soon so we can tackle him. Hard.
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